
Privacy Policy

Kullstuff.com is well committed to protecting your privacy either as our site visitors or customers. We recognize and respect the significance of online privacy. Every visitor’s and customer’s right to privacy is respected. In order to do this, we only gather and utilize information on our website as stated in this Privacy Policy.
This Privacy Policy Applies:
  • How we collect information from you
  • How we protect customers’ information
  • How we use the information, and share all personal information which you provide when you use our websites
  • General information in line with extant laws and regulations.

The actions of third party agents, or those over whom we have no direct employment, management, or control, are not covered by this policy.

1. Consent:

By using this site, you have consented to our Privacy Policy and that you have the legal capacity to give consent. Otherwise, you may discontinue and log out at this stage.

2. Collection of Personally Identifiable Information
When you create a free account with kullstuff.com, we gather personally identifiable information from you, which may include but is not limited to your email address, name, phone number, physical address, location, photo, banking information (when you make purchases), online identifiers, etc. Although you may access various parts of our website without registering, some actions (like placing an order) do need registration. We do send you offers based on your interests and past orders using the contact information you have provided. You have willingly given us the information and personal data via any method available to you at the relevant moment, such as web tokens, JWT, etc.
3. Use of Demographic and Profile Data
We utilize personal data to fulfill your request for services. You will have the option to opt out of any uses of your personal information that we make for marketing purposes. We use your personal information for the following purposes: to settle disputes, troubleshoot issues, assist in promoting a safe service, collect unpaid fees, gauge customer interest in our goods and services, notify you of offers, products, services, and updates both online and offline, personalize your experience, guard against fraud, error, and other illegal activity, enforce our terms and conditions, and as further specified at the time of collection. To continuously enhance our offerings of goods and services, we gather and examine demographic and profile information about our users’ activities on our website
4. Cookies
Cookies help us to gather data. A “cookie” is a little data file that a web server stores on a browser so that the browser may read it again at a later time. Cookies are helpful because they allow the browser to save data unique to a particular user. Kullstuff.com stores both temporary and persistent cookies on the hard drive of your computer. No private information or personally identifying information about you is stored in the cookies of Kullstuff.com. In order to provide you with more engaging and helpful content and services, including our websites, we employ technology to gather information. When you visit one of our sites using a computer or other media device, for example, we could combine
5. Governing Principles of Data Processing
a. Your personal data on Kullstuff.com shall be collected and processed in accordance with legitimate and lawful purpose consented to by you herein, provided that a further processing may be done only for archiving, scientific research, historical research or statistical purposes for public interest in line with extant regulations and laws.

b. Personal data shall be adequate, accurate and without prejudice to the dignity of human person:

c. Personal data shall be stored only for the period within which it is reasonably needed, and shall be secured against all foreseeable hazards and breaches such as theft, cyberattack, viral attack, dissemination, manipulations of any kind, damage by rain, fire or exposure to other natural elements.

d. Our data collection shall depict that we owe a duty of care to you.

e. We shall be accountable in line with extant laws and regulations.

6. Sharing of personal information
In order to: help detect and prevent identity theft, fraud, and other potentially illegal acts; correlate related or multiple accounts to prevent abuse of our services; and facilitate joint or co-branded services that you request when such services are provided by more than one corporate entity, we may share personal information with our affiliates and other corporate entities. As a result of such sharing, such organizations and affiliates are not permitted to market to you unless you specifically consent to it. If compelled by law or in the good faith assumption that such disclosure is reasonably necessary to answer subpoenas, court orders, or other legal process, we may disclose personal information. Personal information may be sent to law enforcement agencies, owners of third-party rights.
7. Your Privacy Rights
You have the right to object to the processing of your personal information or request that any personal data you have already entered be deleted under specific conditions, as specified by the Nigeria Data Protection Regulation or any other relevant legislation. Please follow these easy steps to submit this request: Contact Us
8. Security Precautions
Strict security protocols are in place on our website to guard against the loss, exploitation, and manipulation of the data in our possession. We provide you with the usage of a secure server anytime you modify or access your account information. Once in our hands, your information is safeguarded against unauthorized access by stringent security protocols. Though we have taken the appropriate security measures, please keep in mind that we cannot guarantee that the internet is 100% safe, and as such, we cannot be held accountable for the unlawful actions of hackers.
9. Links to Other Sites
There are connections on our website to other websites where you can enter personal information to be collected. The linked websites’ content and privacy policies are not within the control of Kullstuff.com.
10. Advertisements
When you visit our website, advertisements from third-party companies are served to you. These businesses may use data about your visits to this and other websites (but not your name, address, phone number, or email address) to show you adverts for products and services that you might find interesting.
11. Complaints or Inquiries
Please send any complaints or inquiries you may have about our policy to the following address if you believe that using our site has violated or is likely to violate your privacy rights: Contact us
12. Policy modifications
Kullstuff.com maintains the right, at any time and without prior notice, to edit or modify this privacy statement. The most recent version of this policy will always be available on our websites. It is recommended that you review this Privacy Policy from time to time to see any updates. Any modifications to this privacy statement take effect immediately upon posting on our websites.
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